You can help make a difference in the life of a child!


From our Chairman Jim Potts,

Start the new year by sharing your kindness with a charitable donation to the Tall Cedars' Foundation to support our efforts to provide relief to children affected by muscular dystrophy and other neuromuscular diseases.

We are fortunate to have our loyal core of members who recognize the relentless efforts of the Tall Cedars as one of the bastions, leading the way toward helping neuromuscular patients. Your generosity has fortified us through thick and thin. Since 1951 your contributions have always maintained a steady support level to those we seek to help. Please add to this culture by giving what you can. We are grateful for your ongoing support and hope that you will include the 501(c)(3) Tall Cedars Foundation on your list of worthy causes for your tax-deductible contributions in 2024.   Thank you for helping us build a growing, strengthening culture of giving at the TCF.   We are counting on your help… DB Jim Potts, Chairman       If you’d like to get involved and make a donation, you can do so online below, or by mailing a check made out to:  

Tall Cedars' Foundation


Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17112

Please make sure to write or enter MDRF in the memo section so your donation will go directly into the Muscular Dystrophy Relief Fund to help families in need. Your tax-deductible charitable donation* will make a difference by allowing us to provide direct relief to children affected by muscular dystrophy for items such as wheelchairs, ramps, therapy programs, related recreation programs, and more. You can also sponsor a fundraiser for the Tall Cedars' Foundation and share the gifts of kindness, compassion, and hope within your community, use our Contact Form to learn more.



The Tall Cedars' Foundation is a 501c3 Nonprofit Corporation – EIN: 23-2129677

*Please consult with a tax attorney or accountant for information specific to your location for detailed information