Request for Tall Cedar Foundation MD Assistance Guidelines
This document is provided to offer general guidelines for providing financial assistance to those with Muscular Dystrophy or other neuromuscular disease diagnoses.
In this application you can request up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00USD) for financial assistance of a Muscular Dystrophy or Neuromuscular related expense as explained within a calendar year.
For the purpose of this process, an applicant is defined as either the person diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy or other neuromuscular disease, or his/her legal guardian. If possible, the applicant should be assisted in completing the application by their local Constituent Forest MD chairman or any forest member.
The application must be completed in its entirety to be considered.
If the applicant is requesting assistance due to medical expenses the applicant must provide original copies of all invoices, and an explanation of benefits received from any medical insurance provider reflecting what has been paid and what is still due and owing. The unreimbursed amount would be considered an eligible medical expense.
The statement of need should be as complete and detailed as necessary to allow the committee to understand the circumstances surrounding the request for funds. The key is there must be need and that need must be documented. Every application will be determined based on its own merits. Every application for funds must complete and signed by the applicant.
Where there is a large or extraordinary medical expense, please identify what steps have been taken to establish a payment program or workout agreement with a provider.
Any payments will be made directly to the vendor. The family WILL NOT receive any monies directly.
Items that may not be considered or paid for using these funds:
Recreational expenses - this includes vacations, recreational travel, tickets for spo1ting events, concerts and related type activities, and rental vehicles; with the exception of official MD therapies.
Exclusions also include club memberships and associated fees and restitution arising from any civil or criminal proceeding including court ordered payment, arbitration, or settlement conferences.
NOTE: This is not an inclusive list and other activities may be added if deemed necessary by the Tall Cedar Foundation board of directors.